How to regulate periods with PCOS

PcosMummy♥ • •🄿🄲🄾🅂• 👼🕊• 𝔽𝕖𝕓-𝟚𝟘𝟚𝟘 🌈🩷👶🏼 • 💙03•24👶🏼💙•

Hey ladies.

So I’ve got pcos and my cycles used to be literally all over the place! They weren’t regular at all, probably was lucky to get 3-4 cycles in a year, at any random date any random month.

My periods were only regular due to being on the contraceptive pill.

I decided to stop taking the pill as I’m TTC, and an important factor while TTC is having a healthy period cycle! As it’s more likely that you’ll ovulate so have more of a chance to conceive!


Being on the pill isn’t a permanent fix it’s just a patch.

Coming off the pill was so hard, my periods just wouldn’t stop, were a constant flow for a few cycles- pretty sure one of my cycles was for 9 weeks + !!!

Doctors advised I use the pill and there was nothing else they can do to help with my periods.

So, I started doing my research! As I just had enough of being fobbed off.

I started taking maca root from start of my cycles till AF came. Also tried my best to cut down on sugars and eat a more balanced diet. I also took multi vitamins every single day along with an iron tablet that also contained folic acid, vitamin b12, vitamin b6 zinc and copper.

Also had herbal mint teas, chasteberry teas and camomile - instead of caffeine drinks!

I did this continuously and no word of a lie after 8 months of battling it out my periods regulated!!!!!!! BBOOOOYYYAAA.

I then got pregnant 7 months later!!!!!!!

Doctors told me I couldn’t get pregnant and id possibly need

<a href="">IVF</a>

. Yehh ok?

Although the pregnancy ended in a miscarriage it was ectopic. I’ve had 2 periods since then and they are still regulated.

I just wanted to add a bit of hope out there to anyone who is struggling with pcos and trying to get their periods to regulate.

It is possible no matter what the doctors say!!


Wish u all the best 💜✨🥰