Birth Story - June to May Baby


On May 20th, I was sent to L&D to get tested for preeclampsia. After a 24 hour urine test and overnight monitoring, I was diagnosed with gestational hypertension just on the boarder of preeclampsia. On May 22nd I found out I would be induced on May 23rd at 11 PM at exactly 37 weeks pregnant.

So on the evening on May 23rd I went to the hospital with my husband to meet our little girl!

I was told to not eat anything past 12 PM on the 23rd. I wasn’t actually induced until 1 AM. The doctor inserted a balloon catheter to dilate my cervix (I was at 1.5 cm without intervention) and started me on pitocin.

We did our best to get some rest before things began, but before I could drift off my contractions began. They were pretty easy starting off. My contractions were about 2-3 minutes apart, but I actually had gotten to the point where I wasn’t really feeling them.

Around 11 AM on May 24th, the doctor came in to rupture my water. Things progressed relatively quickly once my water was ruptured. My contractions became intense and much more challenging to manage. I preferred sitting up straight in bed with my knees drawn up to my chest. A couples hours in I was progressing well, but I became really cold. My water being ruptured was leading towards an infection and I was spiking a fever. This made the doctors worried about baby. If I didn’t continue to progress csection would possibly be on the table.

Around this point things were getting really fun. It had been my goal to have a natural, drug free birth. So at this point I hadn’t received any pain medication. The contractions were so intense and painful I entered what my husband referred to as a “trance”. I was so focused on my breathing and working through the severe pain coming every minute I basically didn’t talk at all. I mostly stuck to sitting up in bed but the nurses began asking me to move positions. They had me lay on my sides which only intensified the pain. I decided to try walking around in hopes it would help baby come. Hubby and I made several laps stopping every minute for contractions. Honestly, standing was the easiest way to manage the pain. I probably would have stayed standing if I hadn’t been awake and not eaten for well over 24 hours. I was absolutely exhausted.

Around 4 PM I announced I needed to pee again (I’d been peeing on my own this entire time, but the nurses had to help unhook me from the monitors). Just as soon as I said I had to pee, another contraction came and I was struck by the urge to push. I didn’t actively push, but it felt like my body was taking over and essentially doing it on its own.

My mom (she’d been there the entire time as well) rushed to get a nurse as I exclaimed I needed to push. The nurse was pretty casual about it. She made the bet that the baby would be born by 9 PM. I remember thinking that was crazy because this baby was coming. A few more contractions passed and my nurse realized this baby was coming. Now the exciting bit is that the doctor that was supposed to deliver me had gone home and was now 25 minutes away in rush hour traffic.

This part kind of becomes a haze for me. I was so focused on managing the pain and pushing that I wasn’t too aware of what was going on around me. I do recall my nurse asking if I needed anything and my replying a doctor (lol).

Now skipping to the juicy bit. My doctor arrived in the nick of time. Like ten minutes maybe before baby’s birth. My body pretty much did all the work and had baby rimmed and just about ready to come. When my doctor arrived they threw the stirrups up and it was time to push. I kind of didn’t realize I could push more than what I already was. Though I guess I was really fighting pushing the way the nurses made it sound. Might be more accurate to say I was riding the push out.

The contractions are definitely worse than the pushing itself. The pushing burned and I felt like I was going to shit myself (I didn’t thank god) but it didn’t hurt more than the contractions. I just bore down and even though I was exhausted pushed with all my might. Within two contractions I gave birth to my first child Rosalyn Rory at 4:48 PM.

Let me tell any other FTM’s you’re in for the most amazing moment of your life. Watching that blue gross baby come out between my legs was so crazy and miraculous. I seriously can’t wait for all you mamas who are still waiting for your babies.

Also, if you’re planning on trying to have a natural, drug free birth but aren’t sure if you’re going to be able to deal with the pain just try and hang in there because for some insane reason it really is amazing to experience. Our bodies are amazing and really do know what to do on their own. It was unbelievable to feel my daughter moving through the birth canal.

But of course no matter how you bring your baby into the world it will be miraculous and special.

Meet my daughter Rosalyn!

5 Ibs 13 oz