Advise for 3 hour test

Mackenzie • Due date in August. Getting married in September.

I've literally sitting in the doctor's office after starting the 3-hour test and I wish someone told me what I'm about to tell you.

1: you cannot leave the hospital. The drink might cause you to get sick and they want you near by in case anything happens.

1.5: you get 4 blood draws. One before you drink and then one every 3 hours.

2: the drink has 100 grams of sugar. It tastes bad. I was in high spirits when I came in and when I started drinking it I felt a wave hit me. And now I just don't feel right. I was planning on getting work done but now I'm struggling to stay awake.

3:your baby just got an energy shot. Watch your tummy bounce, it's actually fun to watch.

4: don't plan on sleeping. Apparently some people fall into a deep sleep and don't wake up until the suger is out of there systems. They want you awake to monitor your baby.

5: bring head phone. I've heard 3 crying babies so far. And a sweater, I'm cold and all the blood draws will just make me colder.

****Update I survived no puking or fainting. I would def recommend coming prepared to spend 3 hours at the doctor, comfy shoes headphones maybe a blanket.

The first 30 min. Was the worst. But after the wave passed i wasn't all that uncomfortable. Just bored and hungry. During those first 30 min. Just watch your belly move and remember why your doing it.

I wish you all the best and I hoped this helped