Ask about it or let it go *update*

My boyfriend and I had a son together in 2016 , we had many issues and when my son was 8 months old I left him, for 2 years we were apart due to him lying and forms of cheating he ended leaving the girl he left for our family and started again with me and told me he was ready to settle down, within the first two months of hanging back out we got pregnant again now with a baby girl, I’m due in September and he kept mentioning how he wanted to get married before she was born, for the last two months he hasn’t mentioned it when before he was always talking about it, I told him I wouldn’t get married without a ring which I know at this time he can not afford but, my question here is would you ask him what happened to the idea of getting married, or just stay silent and not worry about it anymore?


I texted him on the matter

He tells me to relax as a response

I say how I am relaxed and just curious

He says “time will come”

So at this point I left it alone because now I’m just lost 🙄😑