Really needed to vent :(

So my boyfriend and I are expecting a baby I’m 26 weeks and 3 days pregnant, and I do have a 1 year old little girl from someone else. But every since I got pregnant I’ve been depressed, can’t sleep and even feeling like I’m killing my relationship with my boyfriend because I feel like I’m pushing him away! Yes I know what’s a relationship without trust but it’s so hard when he is 5 hours away. And I don’t have my mother to run to and talk to because she passed away when I was 16 and I’m now 23. But anyways my first daughters dad him and I didn’t work out turns out he lied to me and etc relationship really did damage to me. I just been very depressed after I got pregnant and don’t get me wrong I love my little girl who will be here in few short months it’s just I’m scared of everything. I feel like I’m getting torn into pieces I can’t sleep , one minute I’m happy and the next I’m sad or mad or overthinking.