Please I need ideas

Kendra • Wife 6/17/17❤, TTC baby #1👶🏻, Mom of 2 fur babies🐶🐶

My mom and I went to get our haircuts yesterday. So I found a picture of a haircut I wanted off of Pinterest. By the end of my appointment she cut my hair WAY TO SHORT😩. I came home balling my eyes out and sweet husband say the haircut looks beautiful and amazing. But every time I look in the mirror I want to cry😭. My in-laws are flying in on Thursday for his great grandma's 90th birthday party. We're leaving for our cruise soon and they're will be formal night. HELP! I need ideas how style my hair.

Before the haircut

My hair now I hate the haircut and feeling insecure about myself. I need y'alls help please

**Edit Post**

Couple of you sweet ladies asked for the pic I showed the hairdresser how I wanted my well here it is.

Thank you ladies so much for the uplifting comments I have never received a haircut like this so I'm a bit shocked and embarrassed by how short my hair is.


I went on my cruise for my formal night I curled it and some bobby pins in this is how it turned out.