Just us?

I’m curious if this is a common thing with women/moms or if maybe I just married a man just like my dad.

I don’t love my husband like I used to. On our honeymoon, I found out something’s that made me view him differently. But, I was in it for better or for worse. I kept right on loving him and doing all I could to support and care for his needs. But now...

I don’t enjoy kissing him. I don’t want to have sex anymore. We used to have sex twice a day! Now I don’t find him sexy.

I am relieved when he leaves to pick up things he needs or goes to work earlier than I do. I LOvE business trips!

He says he loves me and I say it back but feel guilty about saying it.

What I’ve been trying to do about my feelings:

Shower him with love and attention. (Fake it until you make it style)

Spend more time taking care of “me”

I’ve read 5 marriage books.

I’m seriously trying to work on this marriage here.

Has anyone else felt this way?

I find my husband really lazy. I do it all with no thanks. I’ve told him I need help and now I’m the “Bossy Wife” who tells him what to do. I tell him as nicely as I can that I could really use an extra hand with our kids and mowing the lawn, doing projects around the house, cooking meals and keeping this house clean. I do everything except go to his job around here. He kind of tries... but, I think he does a bad job so I wouldn’t ask him again. Jokes on him I’ll still ask!

He is always on his phone. Drives me nuts! We’ve had many heated discussions about it and some how I’m always in the wrong and he will continue to look at his phone every chance he gets.

So I guess my main question is do most women feel so.... alone in marriage? Is this just what it is like? Or, am I in a failing one?