Sperm question tmi

Just so you guys know I am a woman& I’m 20. I just know only a little bit when it comes to sexual things with men. I’ve been with the same man I’m taking about now for over a year and he was my childhood sweetheart. We were together through out highschool so he was my first and only one to ever have sex. Me and my fiancé have been having unprotected on and off (mainly off) sex for almost a year practically since we got back together after HS. (No pregnancies yet) & we aren’t looking to get pregnant but it just wonders me why I haven’t. (We started to use protection now though so please don’t come at me) My question is, my man sometimes produces a lot of cum and then sometimes not to much.. I mean I think it’s less when he’s masturbating & it’s more when we actually have sex but I don’t know. Could the amount of cum he produces tell if he’s infertile? We both want kids naturally badly one day & im so scared that since it hasn’t happened when we didn’t use anything that it won’t and one of us is infertile.