Are ya’ll just as obsessed with your babies as I am??

November mamas—can you believe our LOs are already at the 6-month and 7-month mark? Seriously where did the time go?? I was looking at videos last night right after my son was born in the hospital and I started tearing up 😢.

My son is about 6.5 months now (7 months on June 13th) and I feel like he’s not a baby anymore! He’s like a little person that is so interactive and I have conversations with him all day long 😂.

He is a big boy at 23 lbs and 29 inches tall and can only sit up for like 30 seconds by himself (I think he just doesn’t like sitting up...he seems good at it but always reaches for everything in sight while sitting up then falls over lol).

But he is almost crawling and stood up by himself yesterday for 5 seconds, yet refuses to sit up by himself for long periods lol oh well 🤷‍♀️. Anyone else have this too?He also has two little teeth on the bottom and they are so adorable.

He is so happy and is always smiling and loves to read books and play games. He sleeps 10-11 hours every night and wakes up with a huge smile on his face and it seriously makes me the happiest I’ve ever been. And I just love spending all my free time with him. He loves to read books with me and play games and I take him everywhere with me! Even though he’s heavy and my back is killing me, I will continue to do it because I just never get sick of his company! Lol

Sorry for the super long post lol but is anyone else obsessed with their LO as much as I am?? Or am I a little crazy? 😜 😂

I want him to stay this little forever but also at the same time I love watching him grow and can’t wait to see what the future holds! 👶🏼💙

Let’s see all your November babies!!💕💙