

Hi Ladies,

I’m posting this to hold myself accountable to follow through on what I say... I have a 22 mo and a 5 day old at home. For the most part our days already run pretty smooth. We are happy and peaceful in the mornings and daytime but after in dinner in the evenings I turn into mommy monster on my toddler. We have a bedtime routine that even with the newborn, my daughter and I have been able to keep up with. But last night I just couldn’t. My toddler kept kicking me and after three warnings she went to bed without her usually book and snuggles. It broke my heart. Thank God my husband stepped in and snuggled with my daughter after we both cried for 20 minutes.

So here is my accountability- for the next few weeks (3-4weeks) I need my husband to take over before bed playtime and bedtime routine. He is more than willing to do it. I’m the one that feels devastated about not being there for my toddler. Once the baby can take a bottle in a few weeks then my husband can be with the baby for the hour or so I can snuggle my toddler once again.

I posted it so I’m going to do it! 🙂