My life changed this weekend

LaSeana • Philippians 14:3 God is good. Wife and mother of 3 💝💝👼

I am a 30 y.o. mom of 3. 2 daughters 9 and 5👸👸. One angel baby👼. I had a miscarriage at 11 weeks on Friday, May 31, 2019. This was my first miscarriage. I went into what felt like labor. It happened so fast. I had contractions, some VERY heavy bleeding and clots. I had a scan and the baby was gone. I never thought it would happened to me because I have 2 healthy girls that I carried to term.

I was 2 days away from my 12 week ultrasound. I went in for my 8 week ultrasound and his or her heart was beating just fine. I was told it was something wrong with the chromosomes and my body rejected the embryo. I am very hopeful and I have all the faith that God will bless us with our 4th baby. 🙏🙏🙏 Praying for everyone who has experienced any loss of any kind. Thank you for reading. It was really hard to talk about this. I was going to keep it to myself.