My practically perfect second birth


My first birth was 4 hrs so I was wondering what this one would be like. I went two weeks over and had to be induced the first time but I was walking around at 4 cm and %90 effaced so when they broke my water to induce me it went pretty quickly after that. This time at my 40 week appointment (the day before my due date) I was 5cm and about %80 effaced. The midwife was a little hesitant to let me go home because I had a lime sized bulge in my bag on one side of her head. My girl was sunny side up though and I felt she wouldn't come that night. The mid wife was convinced I wouldn't last the weekend. I felt like I could walk around like that for another two weeks like I had at a 4 with my first. We went home and talked about what to do. I had never felt any pain or real contractions. Just random tightening of Braxton Hicks. I was a little worried that if my water broke at home we might not make it to the hospital or if we did I might not have time for an epidural. So we arranged for my daughter to stay the night with family with the potential of her staying the whole weekend. The next day we decided to go to the hospital and see if they would keep me and induce labor. We came in and I was still feeling nothing so I had my midwife check me. I had progressed to a 6 so she kept me. I got the epidural and she broke my water and contractions started coming strong about 20 min later. The epidural wasn't strong enough for me so we hit the button 3 times (with a 15 min wait between each) until I felt no pain. At that point I was at a nine and %95 effaced. She was still a little high because my bladder was really full so they drained it and after that she descended perfectly and I pushed for 15 min and got her out. My contractions kind of stalled as I was pushing so I had to push without them but I did it. My husband was wearing a GoPro the whole time I was pushing so I'm pretty excited to see it. I had one very minor 1st degree tear. From the time my water was broken to when I had her in my arms it was 2 hrs and 31 min. Even though I wanted to go into labor naturally this time I am glad we did it this way. We have our perfect little girl!