Story Time


So let me tell you guys a quick story,

So there was this boy name Tom in my school.I said Hi to him a couple times only because we had the same English class.Keep in mind I have a boyfriend we been together for 11 months. Tom went and told him three friends about me saying Hi to him. His friends gassed his head up telling him that he should try and talk to me. Tom HAS A GIRLFRIEND.

Weeks went by and random people in the hallways would look at me all funny.I didn’t know what was going on until one day my English teacher came and asked me “where’s your boyfriend?” I said “excuse me ?” 😂.My boyfriend doesn’t go to the same school as me. He said “Tom,that’s your boyfriend rt? He told me y’all were a thing” 😭. I was like “NOOOO SIRRR !!!”

Right after I said that BOOM here go Tom walking in the room with this big ass smile on his face.Okay I let it go.During class I hear this girl behind me say “I heard Tom and that girl with the curly hair are fucking”.I started laughing my ass off.The bell rang, I started yelling “TOM COME HERE”.The entire class was looking at him because they knew he was gonna get fucked up. This boy ignored me so i called him one more time.He started runnninggggggg for his life.I wasn’t chasing after him(my lazy ass).After school I caught him outside his last period class and pulled his pants down in front of every 🤷🏽‍♀️.And cursed him out for lying on my name.