Would you be worried?


My husband and I have been together for 12 years, married for 10. We have a pretty open relationship, in that we are usually very open and honest with how we feel (we don't sleep with other people, not that kind of open). He watches porn and has naked pictures of random women of his phone. I don't care, none of that bothers me. It's been thay way since before we got married. I feel like, he knows my boundaries and what my deal breakers are and if they are broken I'm done. My son's birthday party was yesterday and this morning my husband started crying and told me he was flirting with the life guard. He said he felt terrible and that I deserved better. To be honest, the flirting doesn't bother me, but I can't help but wonder if it's guilt from something else that has caused him to break down?? Thoughts??

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