Should I be worried that labor is near?


So I’m 31 weeks and really nervous labor is too close. I had my first at 36 weeks. With her, my water broke and I ended up being induced at the hospital. She was born 7 lbs 10 oz and perfectly healthy. This time around, I’m measuring three weeks early. I also found out that this time I have GD. Any way, the last couple days I’ve been getting horrible back and pelvic pain. The pressure makes it so hard to walk. Nothing is unbearable though. No timetable contractions. After months of constipation, I started getting diarrhea (sorry) today. Anyway, because I never had “real” labor before, I’m starting to get worried it could be close. With my first, I did lose my mucus plug a couple days before my water broke. That hasn’t happened yet.

I’m just terrified of going into labor too soon.

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