My boyfriend is CONSTANTLY reprimanding me

My boyfriend and I just moved into a nice and more expensive apartment and I think he’s really afraid to have something so nice. We deserve it. We lived in small, cramped apartment for 14 months and saved, got promotions at work, and sought out a nice apartment.

Since moving in I’ve realized I can’t do anything right.

My parents let us use their SUV to move. I also went to Target to get things. BAM. I’m irresponsible and don’t value the privilege my parents extended to me. I should’ve moved in, moved out and given them their car even tho it was on the way home.

I had a late work dinner with coworkers and the CEO of the company and POW. I should’ve called cause what if. Now he thinks I’m cheating.

I accidentally scratched my car getting the broom out. I accidentally left the screen door unlocked on a windy day. I accidentally overlooked the fact we already bought trash bags and bought extra. I got a little drunk on a night out with friends, and accidentally butt dialed him. I accidentally referred to our new neighbor as “Jenny” instead of her actual name, “Jenna”. I don’t park perfectly straight. I said “hanged” instead of “hung”. I forgot to record his show. I made the oatmeal with too much milk. I forgot to turn off the bathroom light before I left home. He picks it apart.

I should be able to just apologize and go on about the day, but I always get a lecture about how I don’t respect my things or hard work. How I’m never aware of my surroundings. I’m flighty, sure. But I’m also my own grown ass woman that f*cks up a few times a day and deal with the consequences. At this point I don’t care that I’m imperfect.

Just want to shout.