Walking really does help


It was May 28th and I had been having contractions all day but nothing to consistent well as the day went on I felt fine. Around 1 am on May 29th my contractions turned into really bad back pain and it was starting to go down into my ass. At about 3:30 am the pain was going down into my legs so I called my mother who stays 30 min away to let her know I needed to go to the ER so I had to wake my other 3 children up and get them dressed. After 45 min my mother finally arrived and we headed to go drop my boys off at my auntie house by the time I got to the ER it was 4:45 am and I was only a finger tip dilated 😂😂😂😂 luckily the doctor on call was my cousin so she advise I walk the maternity floor..... After an hour of walking I went from being a finger tip dilated to 4cm dilated so they admitted me.

Once my kids father finally arrived they started my Pitocin and around 5pm is when I got my epidural! In my eyes everything was going good until my body decided it wanted to act crazy! My blood pressure dropped, I had a bad headache, I started seeing white floating stars, I begin to vomit uncontrollably and on top of that my heart rate was extremely above average.

The doctor finally came in and checked me I was now 8cm dilated so she popped my water bag and said “Let’s get the show going” 10 minutes after she broke my water I began to push and after 5 minutes of pushing me and my fiancé welcomed our 4th baby boy into the world May 29th,2019 @ 9:44 pm weighing 8lbs and 13oz by the way no tears or stitches 💯

Baby Amari Jamarcus or A.J

My oldest and my youngest

My middle child and youngest... ❤️❤️😍😍💯💯👣