Vacuum/Third degree tear story


Three weeks leading up to my due date I was 3 cm dilated and 90% effaced. The doctor didn’t think I would make it to my due date, yet week after week there I was in his office. A week before I was due I was 4 cm dilated. We scheduled induction for a week later.

Over the weekend, I went to the bathroom at 2 am on May 25th and thought baby girl had kicked me really hard, but found that my water had broke. I could barely walk around without drenching an adult diaper 😂 went through two before I left the house.

Got to the hospital around 3:30 am. No contractions still. Went through admitting.

Went up to L&D and got hooked up to monitors. It was hard to find her heart rate, but I’m a fluffy momma so not surprising. 6 cm dilated. No pitocin for me 👏🏻👏🏻 No contractions on the monitors, but my mom said she could tell I was having something because her heart rate would drop then come back up. I started having some period like cramping, and within 15 minutes was hunched over the side of the bed begging for the epidural and anything they could give me in the mean time.

The epidural was weird. Like someone tapping hard on your back but the sweet relief that came after was so worth it.

I started shaking really bad around 7 am. The nurse said I was in transition. At 830 we started pushing. Baby girls heart rate kept getting lower and lower and the OB said they were going to hook up a vacuum and get her out. I never had contractions on the monitor. It was hard to know when to push. Baby girl was born at 9:06 am.

The OB had to pull her out from 0 station and I tore both sides inside and down almost to to my anus. Third degree tear. Hemorrhaged from all the tearing. The OB and resident were suturing as fast as they could all while my epidural was wearing off and I could feel it. They hurried to get more pain meds but said they couldn’t stop suturing in the mean time. I lost 925 ml of blood. Normal vaginal delivery is 500 and normal csection is 1000 😭 it was traumatic.

We are home now. A week post delivery. These stitches suck. But I’m not bleeding much at all anymore. And I’m getting around fine. Foot swelling is bad because they gave me so many fluids.