Week 34 check up and ultrasound

Tiffany • Married💍 Mommy of a handsome rainbow prince! Matthias mommy loves you! 7.5.2019 🤱🏻💙🌈👶🏻

Today the doctor confirmed that my son is breech. During the ultrasound they did a bunch of measurements and we found out that he’s measuring pretty big in some places. One of the measurements they did was around the stomach. From belly button, around the back and ending at the belly button. That measurement was measuring at 38 weeks. Even if he were to turn into birthing position and birthed naturally he’d probably get stuck coming out. So between him measuring larger than he should be, the lack of room for him to move around and the fact that he’s beech, the doctor has made me a C-Section patient. I am okay with having my son via c-section. However this is my first child and I am a little concerned about how it feels. I have EDS (Ehlers-Danlos syndrome). One of the downfalls of EDS is some anesthesia doesn’t work on me very well or I have side effects from the anesthesia. Is there any moms on here that can give me advice on how it works? What it might feel like?