My weight loss


So honestly I wasn’t in million years going to post this but then I said fuck it and I’m damn proud of myself for what I’ve done.

The first photo is from right after graduation I looked awful I hated my body and honestly didn’t realize I was this big

Second picture was just a few days ago and it blows my mind how much I’ve changed. I stepped on the scale the other day and seen a weight I haven’t seen in 7-8 years!!

I never thought I would make a post like this but I’m just so proud haha my body is not the best by any means and I’m not really trying to make it better tbh it just kinda fit 🤷‍♀️

Only bad thing about it is... NONE OF MY CLOTHES FIT!!! Haha but for anyone wondering how I did it. When dad passed I stop eating as much I started working a ALOT more but I still eat like crap 🙃 needs to stop lol but I’m happy with myself even tho my stomach isn’t flat 🤷‍♀️ little things like seeing pics from 2 years ago or when I went from a size 26 to an 18-20 was good enough for me haha