Comments on my babies’ age difference.Minor rant


I begin to find it annoying that people comment on the age gap my children will have when the new one is born. 😤

The age difference will be almost 2 years, which me and my husband find perfect. Still, several of my colleagues have said “you’re having another one SO SOON?!” 🙄😡

I don’t understand the urge to voice their opinion like that, I mean, I haven’t asked for it. Idiots. I have never had the need to say stuff like this to other expectant mothers... I just wish people would keep to themselves a bit more.

The greatest comment of all came from my MIL: “ Oh you two must be sad, you are going to be so busy when the new one arrives!” Really? - you use the word SAD when you get the news that you are going to have another grandchild?!🤬 What kind of grandmother is that. A true idiot she is...

Oh well. Rant over, thanks.