28 weeks pregnant symptoms....


I’m officially in my third trimester now. Things are getting very real very fast! I feel pressured to have everything in place before the baby arrives. I feel like time is running out fast but yet I still feel like I have time to get things together. I’m hungry all the time but I only eat here and there. My back is killing me I get these TERRIBLE RELENTLESS migraines from time to time and the morning sickness still tries to creep up on me every few days or so. I’m feeling extra emotional... I’m crying when I’m happy, sad, and mad lol this morning I’m crying because I’m happy and normally I’m not very expressive about my feelings. Let’s just say.... It got me this morning. I’m feeling baby move and hiccup a lot more and I think that is the most beautiful thing to feel because some people would love to feel what I feel. I’m tired ALL THE TIME NOW! I get tired fast and find myself getting winded faster and searching for a seat to take breaks throughout the day. I can’t sleep at night because I’m anxious and it’s hard to sleep with baby up moving all night. Not to mention the heartburn & acid reflux has really been packing a punch this week. I haven’t been able to eat at the table anymore because my stomach is in the way. Now I have to eat with two pillows behind my back (because my back hurts when I sit up) and I have to put my plate on my stomach to eat. It’s not the most comfortable way to eat but it gets the job done. My vagina and I haven’t seen each other in forever like a distant relative. My feet hurt all the time and I’m two seconds from quitting my job because I feel like it’s getting too hard for me now. I’m trying to juggle a job and being a full time mom and housewife. I’m taking care of my 2 year old boy and trying not to loose my mind when he jumps on me or forgets that mommy’s belly is growing and needs a break. I’m battling feeling like I can never do enough even when I do everything I can. I overthink just about everything now and I can’t seem to get out of my own head. I just had surgery on my left ovary last year and the doctors told me that it’ll be highly unlikely I’ll get pregnant again and that even if I do it’ll be high risk..... well I’m happy to say none of those things came true. The doctors were wrong this time. Throughout all these symptoms and all this trouble I still wouldn’t trade this feeling for the world. It’s all worth it in the end 🌍 🥰 11.5 weeks left until we meet our beautiful baby girl.