Transitioning from daycare to home


How did you/your child handle going back home from daycare? It’s such a difference from being around all those kids your age & having soooo many activities to do.. I feel like it’s mean of me to take my son out because he’s thriving there... i want to stay home to save more money for a bigger place for when his sister gets here in October.

A little backstory I stayed home with my son until June of 2018, he was about 1 1/2 to go back to work we lived in a small town at first where he went to his first daycare & did good it just took a bit & then we moved back closer to our parents in the city so we had to take a minute to find a daycare that would take him in the middle of the school year(?) around March so since I was looking for jobs I just stayed home until we found a good daycare with openings. Well, when we found one he was crying everyday, screaming, pulling my leg. I felt so bad but again, he got used to it & made friends & is in love with his teacher(thankfully❤️)i found a flexible job that I enjoy. & I keep him home with me on my off days.

Back to the point of this post

We found out we were pregnant with baby #2 in April (actually have been preggo since February) so now I’m 5 months pregnant. We live in a 1 bedroom now & want to find a 2-3 bedroom before babygirl gets here in October. I can’t help but feel hell regress like in all that he’s learned & his socialization skills because when he was smaller & i was a sahm he was not good around other people or kids so I don’t want that to happen.

I feel a little crazy saying all this cause of course my child is gonna love being with me all day than being away from me I just love the way he interacts with others. I will find sahm groups to do things with in my area I just know it won’t be the same cause he’s come to know these other kids so well.

Thank you for any feed back/advice! It’s much appreciated. ❤️