I suffered miscarriage before is what I'm feeling normal?


Okay so I have a question I have suffered miscarriages before at 6 weeks right now I am 4 weeks 5 days. I keep feeling like a warm sensation where my uterus is I'm feeling like I tightening at the same time like whenever you walk for a long time while you work out in your muscles have that little burning or warm sensation and how it kind of hurts and it's tight. That's what I'm feeling right now and I also when it happens I feel pressure and I have to pee. I'm so worried me and my husband have been trying for 4 years and we've had three miscarriages. Awesome what worries me is I took a test last Thursday it was negative so I started diet pills to help me lose weight I started spotting Sunday night which lasted into Monday evening I felt a pop Tuesday which took my breath away and I just started crying cuz I was in pain it lasted about 5-10 minutes and then I just got my first positive Wednesday. and I guess because of my previous miscarriages is I'm excited but at the same time I am numb and worried. I have to wait till I get paid to go see a doctor I have no insurance until July or August