Newly Single/Currently Pregnant


UPDATE: Thank you all for the positive vibes. It has been so hard but it's for the best. 🤷‍♀️ He has been texting and calling every single day begging for me back but I can't, I already know he says he will change but it will all be the same. I'm trying to stay strong. I got this, I will no longer believe his empty promises. Today is the first night I will be without my daughter and its breaking my heart. I need to stand strong and keep pushing forward. Ladies, if you are in the same boat as I was. They will never change. You deserve to be happy! I am now stress free and so happy! It will all be worth it!

It breaks my heart writing this. A few days ago I had a fiance. I am now going thru the motions of being a single mother. I have a 16month old daughter and currently 18weeks pregnant. I made the decision to leave my fiance but it doesnt make it any easier. I felt alone in the relationship when he was sitting right next to me. He stopped touching me and showing affection. He never talks to me, we literally sit in silence. I been paying for our daughter's childcare with no help. We dont communicate during the day. When we lay in bed he doesn't cuddle me or talk to me. He rolls over and sleeps. I get up in the middle of the night to tend to our daughter. I am 18weeks pregnant and he hasn't been to one appointment because he forgets... I was doing everything by myself so why not be by myself? Ladies please know your worth. Just because he put a ring on my finger doesnt mean he cared for me. It was a hush ring... it was a "you're mine" ring. I finally put my foot down... I did tell him how I felt prior to leaving and he shrugged his shoulders, didnt say one word, or shed one tear... I left and ladies it doesnt feel any different as far as me feeling too alone. I feel free! Even tho I am pregnant he cant hold me back or put me down anymore. I am GLOWING!🥰 I am starting to love myself again.