Trouble shooting


Hey guys! I'm a ftm, my son is 8 months, but he's the size of a 1 year old. So I started cloth diapering a couple months ago, and it's been great up until recently. So if y'all wouldn't mind giving me some tips for a noob I'd really appreciate it 😂 so my diapers we're doing great, I just had Alva pocket diapers, and mama koala pocket diapers. I found that folding two microfiber prefolds and stacking them has been the most leak proof situation for him. But all of a sudden my diapers have started leaking a ton. I washed them on the smallest water load on my washer which I JUST read isn't good. Oops. So now should I strip them? Or just wash them with more water next time? Or get water softener. I don't even know what that is tbh 😂 but I live in an apartment so it not like I can just add more rock salt or whatever. So idk what I'm doing but I really want to make this work! Thanks for reading this stupid long post 😂😂 👏🏻