Best diapering by baby’s age


My LO is 6 weeks / 12#. I have a variety of cloth diapers bought second hand. I’m curious to find out if there are certain types that work better for baby’s age? I know right now while I’m on maternity leave I really like the leak control with prefolds and covers but I know when I go back to work no one is going to fold them up around baby like I do. I know you can trifold them and just lay them in there but what size or age is baby when you can do that? Cause right now it’s too bulky to do that. Are there certain cover brands that are better than others or it doesn’t really matter? I have some pockets but they have been leaking. I probably should get different inserts but another question I have is if they insert is supposed to cover 100% from seam to seam in the crotch? I also have a boy so I know that’s why he leaks around the front of his groin. Do you need to strip diapers on a regular basis and how do you know when you need to do that?