Ttc #3 for over a year

Been ttc since May 2014. I only had one drop shot in February 2014 then we wanted to conceive. Both my kids were accidentally conceived so trying to navigate all the planning is hard. I've been to my OB who says everything looks great and should be working but unless I'm ready to drop serious $ she can't do anything else for us. Just got another negative test today thought for sure we had been successful. My breasts have been so tender I can even go without a bra and I'm nauseous all the time no appetite really unless it's Taco Bell late night. Now we are stuck in a hard spot to decide to continue or not because if we get pregnant within the next few months we run the risk of me delivering on the way to our next duty station or having to stay behind to deliver without my husband. I held the sweetest baby for most of the day today and when we got home I cried. I want one more so bad and it's disappointing to keep seeing negative test after test. Sorry just needed to vent and hopefully someone has advice I'm all ears. Thanks