Feeling stuck and confused

Ladies, I feel as if I am stuck between a rock and a hard place. My husband and I have been married 3.5 years and have been together 10 years. I love him with all my heart and he truly is my best friend, but that's the problem, I truly feel as if he's only a friend and like I am living with a roommate/friend. We use to be the PDA type of couple, even behind closed doors, but over the years that has drifted away. We have our share of problems, just as any other married couple does. I have sat back and noticed that we do fight more then normal and over the stupidest things. He always seems to have an attitude with me and even calls me names, such as bitch and even cunt, which he does is out of anger. He has told me/mentioned how miserable of a life he has and that I make for him. We have no kids. I know he loves me with all his heart and would do anything for me, but I feel lost. About a month ago I met a man and him and I have been talking and hanging out. I must admit that I did cheat on my husband with this man and still currently continuing the affair. Part of me feels wrong for what I am doing, but there are things I need to be satisfied that my husband is not fulfilling. Even having ex with my husband is a chore to him and when we do, it feels as if he's just not connected. I know for a fact it's not because he is also having an affair, that is something is doesn't believe in and is against.