Why is my child less? (Long)

I’m literally sitting here with my heart breaking for my son. His dad doesn’t care about him.

I just don’t understand how someone can just completely ignore one child while loving on two others.

Background: My ex boyfriend has two kids from a previous marriage. They are 4 & 2. When me and my boyfriend got together, it was relatively soon after he separated from his ex-wife. And I saw firsthand how hard he fought to make sure he was in his children’s lives. He did whatever he had to to make sure he saw them and then they agreed to have 50-50 custody. So he has his two older children quite a bit.

I got pregnant fairly early on in our relationship and everything was great. He was very invested in the pregnancy, went to most appointments and did anything he could to make sure I was feeling okay. Even after our son was born, he was great. You know I never worried about him being a good dad, I had seen him fight for his two older children.

Well, we had some problems with the house we were renting(black mold) and when the landlord refused to fix it, we decided to move out of the house as it wasn’t safe for all of our kids. Only problem was we couldn’t find anywhere for all of us to live, so we decided to move back in with family; me to my parents house, him to his family members house.

So now we’re living separate, and things are okay, we still talk and see each other often, he would come out and see our son.

Then all of a sudden in April, it started to get to be a hardship for him to come out more than once every 1.5-2 weeks. And I don’t get along with his family member he’s living with so I refused to go over there. He never wanted his son overnight. Now May comes along, he sees his son 1 time for longer than 5 minutes the whole month. He still asked about him, I sent pictures, etc. Mind you we were still in a relationship at this point, so it’s not like we were in a bad place for it to be hard for him to see our son.

Now to get to my point.

Well, he ghosted me after 2 years of being together this past week. So I’m completely blocked and have no way of getting ahold of him.

I’m sad for me, but mostly I’m so heartbroken for my son. He doesn’t deserve to have this happen to him. He’s not even a year old yet and he’s getting thrown away like he’s nothing by his father.

Why is it that my child is less than his other two children? He fought so hard to make sure his two other children were in his life after he separated from his ex wife, but he can’t even try and put in any effort for his son when we were together and especially now that we aren’t. I never doubted him as a good father and now I’m just shocked and hurt that he’s turned out to be the polar opposite of what I thought he was.