Garage is a giant feral litter box


Ever since my landlord (who is my upstairs neighbor found out I was pregnant, she started putting cat litter all over the garage, and there's cat pee and feces all over my tools...

She used to feed yard cats on her porch, but she started moving the food into my garage (it's a 2-sided garage, she lets us use one side for storage) and keeping the door open--almost trying to lure them in there...

I've spoken with her before about the yard cats, because she's not really cared for them in the past (she'd leave food sit out for days in little piles--no bowl--or out of trash can lids..flies are all over it, and one year I witnessed a maggot eat through a kittens neck! Awful!)

After telling her I was pregnant, she got upset that I would be moving to a new place to accommodate my growing family, and starting pulling a lot of odd behavior.

As I said, she is feeding cats in my garage only (not her side) and has dumped cat litter all over the placr, making it one giant cat box! The smell is awful and all of the yard tools I was storing for an out of town neighbor are covered in pee and feces. The lawn mower has pee pooled all around the engine... AND she's insisting I mow her lawn..

I'm a cat lover, and don't want to hurt the animals. It feels like she's using these critters as a worried should I be about exposure to this while pregnant? I'm required by the lease to do the yard work, but everything is unsafe to access and use...

Advice? Suggestions? I'm breaking the lease as soon as I find a new place.

Update**: code enforcement is willing to issue a fine; the woman continues to leave nasty notes and is finding fun ways to disturb my peace & quiet. We are sending a certified letter invoking our right to quiet enjoyment and giving 60 day notice.

She has threatened to report me to the apt. Association and "have me blacklisted" as well as withhold my deposit and report me to the credit bureau(not sure what for--everything's paid on time). Bottom line, this LL has a long, documented history of mental illness and manipulative bullying that I was too wimpy to confront before. This pregnancy has emboldened me though, and it feels good to assert my rights finally! Thanks for the helpful advice