How to turn an outside cat indoor with kittens?

Hannah • Mommy • Wife • 21 • Special Education TA • C.J. • Sebastian • Baby S Due July 2020 •

So long story short we live on slot of property we tend to pick up strays but I have two kids so we keep them outside will one of our stray cats we call squirt just had kittens so we keep her on the porch at our house, it’s screened in, we thought we were all good. But I go and check on them every chance I get and we have an ant problem. I get so freaking worried for her out there with her kittens being around so many ants so I want to move her inside where it’s safer ( just keep her in the bathroom area until she gets more used to the inside life ? ( we plan to keep her and one of her kittens; the runt of her littler inside from that point as well) I’m just not sure how to go about it or anything. Anything would help thank you!

*** she is a very very nice cat, has never showed to have a problem with me or my fiancé but skiddish with my toddler which I’d assume she would be & she has been inside before but just not for very long )