Have you ever disliked your childs name... Or felt like your childs name did not fit them?

So my husband is so set on naming our son X'zavian Montrell.. (Middle Named after his brother that is a.... How do i say this... Drug dealer, womenizer, gang banger, street life... Husband thinks hes killed before 🤷)... I had no idea that that was his middle name till his mom told me.. Im 32 wks. And i honestly do not LOVE his name. He wont budge on the name! He says its his first son and wants to name him... Iv brought up other names, tried talking about it and he says "if i change it don't tell him because thats what he is going by with him... "... I kno i kno... If i have a problem with it than just change it blah blah blah.... Just trying to see if others have been in the position and what ended up happening. :):) thankkkks

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