Am I overreacting?

My SO and I had been together for almost 2 years. We’d been through a lot, but we’d been making it work.

He works in a club, and recently said some things there that I found to be disrespectful to me. When I brought it up to him, he defended what he said by saying that I just had a problem with the way he pays his bills.

We went back and forth for hours with me continuously explaining why I felt disrespected and with him continuously saying that he didn’t see a problem, and I was acting crazy because none of his coworkers (male and female) saw a problem with what he said.

Eventually, I told him that even if he didn’t see anything wrong with what he said, if he respected me, my feelings, and our relationship then he would not say disrespectful things like that anymore.

It ended with me telling him that if he is not willing to respect me, then I’m out of the relationship. He got mad and called me a “dumb f*ck” and said that I was being f*cking stupid. I then blocked him because saying that was completely disrespectful to me.

My question is: was I overreacting? Did I throw my relationship, and all of the time and energy that I put into it, away for no reason? I’d love to hear your opinions! Thanks y’all!