I think my manager likes me and I definitely like him? Idk HELP!

I started working at my job about 3 months ago and from the very start me and this one manager that’s 23 (I’m 19) just never really talked but when we do it’s super short and weird. He talks literally to every other girl that works at the restaurant so easily but when it comes to me he just hardly talks. At first I thought he didn’t like me for some reason but when I realized he looks at me a lot and seems nervous during our encounters. Yesterday I caught him walking to the back where I was working a lot but he was looking at his phone but he just hardly ever does that. Also when I was calling for another manager to help me with something he came both times to help instead. I kinda like him as well though. I get nervous around him and what not but yeah I just don’t know how he feels about me and it’s lowkey frustrating. Lol. If anyone can figure this out and help me a little it’d be nice!