Single Mother

Please don’t judge or be mean....

I’m 25 years old and I have a 4 and 2 year old from a previous long term relationship that was toxic and ended when my son was only 2 months old. I met a new guy last year, and during a reckless moment, I ended up pregnant. He didn’t force me to do anything or make any decisions, but ultimately because of my home situation and the type of job I had and other factors, I decided to terminate. I then got on the pill, but due to me recovering from pneumonia I was placed on a generic one until I scheduled for my iud. However due to missing the pill one day, I did end up pregnant again. I chose to not terminate again because the emotional toll it took on me and still does, isn’t something I want to endure again. However, he is upset at my choice and feels betrayed in a sense because he has a daughter already and another child isn’t in his grand plan. But I feel I’m in a better space, where I have a place, a job that isn’t so strenuous, a car, and am already a great mother to my other children with little help from their dad outside of daycare. I guess I just needed some encouragement or advice, because it is scary to know I may be alone in this, because I can’t make a choice that holds long term regret for me.