Need Advice! Letting down a guy gently?

Ruth • Single • Maker • Entrepreneur • Designer • Crafter

Hi ladies! So I met this guy on Tinder. We went on a date. It was pretty boring but I was really nice and trying to make conversation. He’s not bad, just not my cup of tea. We don’t have alot in common, etc. So I felt bad (I know... big mistake....) and gave him my number. And we’ve been texting like on and off. It’s boring. He’s on vacation now and just said “We should hang out when I return” 🙄

Oy .... I feel like this is probably the perfect time to let him down gently. But what do I say!? I hate hurting anyone’s feelings and I’m pretty good at getting the job done, but he’s just nice and I feel like anything I say I will come across as a bitch.
