He told me this... wtf

My boyfriend is the first man I’ve ever had sex with. I’m 27 but I held onto waiting to have sex for years because it never felt right with other guys. I’ve had oral with other relationships but never had intercourse. I don’t know why I waited so long to have sex.. but I’m happy I did.

But the thing is... he was sort of bothered by me being a virgin but also wasn’t? He said he loves having sex with me but is worried that I don’t know what good sex is? Because I haven’t had it with anyone else but him. I told him I’ve been intimidate with other guys I’ve dated but by far he’s the best I’ve ever been with! But he doesn’t seem to believe me when I say that?

He said “You’ve never had sex with anyone else but me. I wish you’ve had bad sex before you met me.. so you’d know what good sex is.” I sat there so confused and I told him “I’ve kissed many guys/been intimate with other boyfriends and you’re amazing at kissing, oral, and sex! I’m satisfied baby I don’t want anyone else.” And then he replied “I give you a hall pass to have sex with someone else so you know how good it is to have it with me.” What the actual fuck? I replied “what the fuck? That’s cheating! I can’t be with intimate with another man... that would upset me. I’m loyal. I don’t care if you don’t mind... because I do mind!!” And I stormed off.

Why the hell world he ask me to have sex with another man?! He chased after me and said “okay okay! I’m glad you’re satisfied. I’m just your first and i just hope you’re happy with me in bed.” “I am! Don’t ever ask me to have sex with another man.”

Ladies, what should I think of this situation?! I’m so thrown off.