Dear Old Me

Life is not going to be easy. You are going to go through things that you never expected and it will rock you to your core. It will be good. I promise. The light will shine again and you will be so much more than you were before. You will grow and change, become a wonderful woman. You will have flaws, it’s normal, I promise. Work on them a day at a time. You will trip and fall, just get back up, keep moving. There are better things to come. People will use you, abuse you, make you feel like a problem. It’s not you. I promise. You are strong enough to handle the punches. Let them loose, don’t try to fix the relationship. Just walk away. I promise you will be much happier. You can’t fix a relationship that is one sided. Don’t worry so much about being friends with everyone. Those who want you will come to you. They will be the very best. Wait for them and be kind to the rest. People are mean. Brush it off, don’t take it to heart. More than anything, be your own best friend. Love yourself, cheer yourself on, be good to you. You need you. Never give up on you❤️