Breastfeeding worries


So this is more of a relationship post I guess. I have a 10 week old baby boy. A total surprise. The best surprise after years of infertility woes. So girls... Have faith... One day it might just catch you by surprise.

Anyway, I've exclusively breastfed, pumping so that my boyfriend can feed our son too. I've been out and pumped my heart out so that my boyfriend can have full care. I've tried so hard. But why does my boyfriend keep trying to make me feel so terrible about feeding him myself. Pushing constantly formula. Saying that I'm not helping our son grow and that he's little because of me. (he was born 6lb5oz and had remained a small baby!)

He tells me he has lost me as his girlfriend and that all I am is our sons mother. It hurts. So much. And he won't talk to me about it. Just claims that I am doing this all myself and he isn't prepared to support me.

I am not against formula feeding. But if I'm happily and healthily breastfeeding. With a good milk supply and healthy baby boy. Why is he trying to stop me feeding? He seems to have turned it into this being about me... And that I'm doing it for me. When I am certainly not. I spent most of my pregnancy researching health benefits of BF!!!

Advice please... From an unhappy first time Mumma x