Did they go to far?


It's Sunday! On Sundays.. we typically go to Lowe's.. and peruse around the nursery/outdoors section... Well by this point we know a few of the employees in that area and we will strike up a conversation about whatever when we cross paths... Look, I just love gossip, I'm a terrible human, I know.

So I'm talking to an employee, and I ask if anything fun/exciting has happened recently.. and they go on to tell me a crazy ass story... So now I'm here to tell y'all, cause.. gossip loves company..

Anywho, during the few rainy days after the heat wave that hit a woman and a young child were in the store, most of the employees that saw or interacted with them just thought it was a mother and her son of a grandmother and her grandson.. she was middled aged and it could have easily been one of the two..

So, it's raining on and off but when it's raining.. it's pouring, winds are high like we had weather advisories saying the wind was reaching 60mph along with severe weather alerts for a thunder, lighting, and possible hail... We rarely see hail out in my are but some how people around us will have a friggin yard full of hail, so wild to me.

Anyways back to the story, so this middle aged woman and child are in the store.. kids in the cart.. woman's pushing it.

They get a few items, pay and leave.. well apparently this lady left the child in the cart after unloading it and leaving... And it was raining pretty hard when this customer happened to see the child in the cart in the middle of the parking lot... And my first thought is.. I fucking hate when people don't put their carts back in the cart return stalls..

The customer brings said child to the front desk they call over the intercom to come get your child whatever.. and apparently an hour and a half- two hours goes by and this child (who isn't old enough to really tell them who he was with or give them contact information) is screaming for his momma.. balling, scared, the whole nine, and finally this woman comes back in not frantic or anything and asks if they have seen this little boy.. and he's in the back at this point eating crackers and juice cause they were trying to calm him down and called the cops and everything.. turns out this middle aged woman was the child's nanny..

So I'm thinking well I mean, parents leave their kids in cars on accident, leave/lose them in the store on accident.. so this lady probably just wasn't thinking and made a mistake. The cops don't let her leave with the child and insist that one of the parents come to pick up the child.. so they get the parents contact information from her and the child's father shows up... And apparently this lady wasn't even supposed to leave the home with the child..unless there was an emergency, so I guess he tell the cops that he wants to press charges against the woman and they haul her off.. and I'm just effin flabbergasted at this point.. and I'm sitting there thinking..

Was pressing charges to far?

Why not just fire her?

What the fuck...

So I'm talking to the employee.. and I'm like taken away by this and the employee is like this happens more often than you think.. and I'm thinking like what one or two times a year? And it apparently happens like 2-3 times a month..

😳 Anyways, so now I'm just thinking what would I do in that situation.. and I seriously don't even know because I've never had a nanny, but I'd be pretty peeved about this situation but would I press charges or just immediately fire the nanny? What would you do? Did they go to far?

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