Baby Girl is here!


I’m a little late posting this but I am so excited to announce the arrival of our sweet baby girl and share my birth story!

I was in labor all day on June 4th and finally went in to L&D around 9:30 at night when my contractions were getting more painful and around 3 minutes apart. However, when we got to triage, they said I still had not dilated any further than 1cm and I was sent home. My contractions became more and more painful over the night and we went back in at 4am on the 5th only to be told I still hadn’t dilated. I was in horrible pain at this point and so frustrated as they told me it was “false labor.” Over the next three hours at home I was in excruciating pain and getting contractions constantly which also made me feel like I needed to go to the bathroom so i spent this whole time wandering back and forth from the living room and bedroom to the bathroom. Finally at around 9am while sitting on the toilet, my water broke during a contraction and when I say broke, I mean BROKE! Despite being on the toilet at the time, it went everywhere in the bathroom! It was a bit shocking but I was so relieved because I knew now they couldn’t turn me away at the hospital. Once we arrived at the hospital, they checked me again and I was 4cm dilated. I got an epidural as soon as I was allowed to, which felt so amazing after the hours and hours of laboring at home I had done. By 2:30pm, I was fully dilated and ready to push. I pushed for about an hour and a half but unfortunately the baby’s heart rate had risen to nearly 200 so the doctor recommended that I move forward with a c section for the health and safety of our baby. So at 4:34pm on June 5th, our sweet baby girl was born via c section.

Meet our beautiful Piper Rose, born at 6lbs even and 19 inches long. Mommy and daddy are so in love with her 💕