July baby became a June baby!


Baby Finn is here! At 35+3!

It started Wednesday, I left work and when I sat down in my car I felt a gush, I couldn’t tell if I’d peed myself or if it was my water, so just to be safe I went to triage, I was having a little bit of pelvic pressure then, but it wasn’t bad. They swabbed me, and the swab came back negative, so they didn’t even bother checking me to see if I was dilating, so they sent me home. The next day I was having some really intense pelvic pressure.

Fast forward to 1:30am on June 14th, I woke up to pee like usual, and the pressure was REAL YALL.

I go back to bed, fall asleep, and then an hour later at 2:30, I wake up again S O A K E D, my first thought was that I peed myself, but (really gross I’m sorry) a quick sniff test confirmed that it wasn’t pee, walked to the bathroom to get a towel and another gush, we’re talking Niagara Falls here, so I called my husband at work (he works nights, from 10pm-6am), told him I was going to go to l&d and get checked out, just to be safe. He insisted on calling his mom to drive me there to be safe, so at 2 am mil and I are driving to l&d, and I feel so bad for waking her up to have her drive me, but we get to the hospital, I tell mil to go home because she’s exhausted, and last time it took them 4/5 hours to get results back bc the computer system is down.

At this point I’m gushing all over the place, the nurse and I are both 100% sure it’s my water, I’m strapped into the monitor, I’m having contractions(turns out that wasn’t just pelvic pressure!), and I’m 1cm dilated, but she has to swab me anyways bc it’s procedure.

Guess what.

My swab came back negative, my nurse was like wtf this ain’t right, so she goes and gets the on call dr to do an exam, sure enough, there’s pooling, and it’s 100% confirmed that I’m in labor.

I am SO grateful for that nurse not wanting to send me home, for her insisting on the dr examining me, because things would have been worse had she not! Turns out I’m gbs positive, so I needed to be started on antibiotics right away, and I had more than enough time to get the antibiotics I needed to keep my little man safe!

So I call my hubs, tell him that it’s happening, that I’m in labor and that we’re gonna have a baby!

By now it’s 4 am and I tell him to go ahead and wait til the end of his shift to come because it’s going to be a while.

The nurses get me settled in a delivery room, and start me on pitocin to speed things along bc I had told them about my trip to triage, and they’re like oh your waters been broken for too long, we gotta get this G O I N G.

And let me tell you. Pitocin really works.

By then it’s 6 am, I’m 3cm, hubby is on his way, things are getting real, and I’m feeling the contractions way more.

Hubby arrives, and I tell him to take a nap bc it’s gonna be a while still, so we settle in, and around 10am my contractions are getting ROUGH so I wake hubs up, tell him to help me breathe through the contractions. They’re getting worse and worse with each one, and they’re about 3 minutes apart now, so I wait it out as long as I can, and finally I break, I HAVE GOT TO HAVE AN EPIDURAL! And ladies, let me tell you. It’s worth it. At the point I was at my contractions were hurting worse than having the epidural inserted. I was so scared tho. It was nothing though.

And the relief. Omg. Things were so much better after the epidural. I was exhausted from my contractions, so I finally got some rest. Fast forward to around 5 pm, I’m 8cm, things are getting close but progress is slow, and my bp is getting low due to the epidural so they give me more pito, and some medicine for my bp. I nap some more it’s a little uneventful for a while. Fast forward, around 10pm, hubs had to leave to get something (I strait don’t remember what it was he left to get) and the dr comes in to check me and all she feels is his head! I call hubs tell him he NEEDS TO GET BACK HERE BECAUSE THIS BABY IS ABOUT TO COME OUT ON HIS OWN NO PUSHING NEEDED! And he almost did!

He gets back at 10:30, I start pushing right away, and I push for maybe 30 minutes, baby Finn is born at 11 pm June 15th, weighing in at a hefty 6.2 lbs, and 19 3/4 in, he’s a lot fuller than I expected him to be, considering he came at 35 weeks, he’s got a lot more fat on him than I expected, and he’s so so so cute, every time I see him I never want leave his side. But it’s not over yet! We didn’t get to do DCC because little man is having a hard time breathing. His lungs are a little under developed because he came so early.

Right now little man is in the nicu, he’s doing really well, hopefully he’s getting his mask off tomorrow, and he’ll be able to nurse or take a bottle. But he might only be staying there for a week, but they said to not get our hopes up because sometimes they stay until their actual due date


I forgot the best part! I was half way watching a movie(Pirates of the Caribbean Incase you were wondering) right before it was time to push and they left my tv on, so in between contractions and pushes my whole birthing team would kinda turn and watch the movie. It was so funny to me 😂😂😂 but little man is doing better every day!