

Am 46 in 2 months. I had to stop the contraception pill 18 months ago as I suffered with severe migraines.

Me and my partner was using the withdrawal method. As I had been showing signs of menopause.

Last week I got a pregnancy test. As I had missed 2 periods. Straight the way it came up with 2 lines.

My mum brought me a clear blue and that said pregnant with 3 plus weeks.

But I should of been nine weeks.

My sister booked me in for a scan cause I needed to be sure. As I was worried about my age.

That was Wednesday the scan lady saw a sac that measured 6 weeks?

But nothing else in there.

She told me to go back in a week.

But on the Friday I started to get mild tummy pains and pain in my lower back. And a bit of pinky blood.

The day after I got full blown bleeding and losing blood clots. I ran the scan lady back she said to go straight in. This was yesterday. The sac hadn’t grown any but she could a yolk.

The other scan lady came in and she just said am sorry.

They have now referred me to an early mother and bay place where I’ve got to have an internal scan. They said to make sure everything has come out. Don’t know if I should go and just let nature take its course.