Went for first ultrasound and baby was measuring small

Lindsay • Live for the moments you can’t put into words ❤️

I went in for my first ultrasound 2 weeks ago and was told the baby was measuring a week behind considering my last period, heart rate was 80 bpm at when I should have been 7 weeks, I was only measuring 6 weeks. They also found that I had a subchoirionic hematoma (blood clot in my uterus) They wanted to have me come back a week later to do a repeat scan and check the growth, the baby had grown a full weeks worth but no longer had a heartbeat and she said the baby’s head was measuring abnormally large . They told me I could go home and wait to miscarry on my own but the safest option would be to have a d&c . I struggled with my decision to have the d&c and felt guilty but I have to then about my other children and they need their mommy. Has anyone went through this? I’m devastated and I don’t really know how to cope. We want another child so much but now we are scared this could happen again.