

Hey Ladies!

So this is still about a month off but I’m trying to wrap my head around it...

I’m going to see Les Mis in Chicago with my mom and we are so excited!! My baby will be at home with dad (who she adores) and I have plenty of breast milk saved for her and she takes a bottle easily so that’s not a problem. The problem is... how do I make it through the day without my boobs exploding???

With travel, lunch, etc. we will be gone for like 8-9 hours. My daughter will be about 3.5 months then and currently eats every 2-3 hours. I have a decent supply so I’m not worried about one day affecting that but I’m thinking I might need to pump just for comfort. Problem is... where would I even pump? Can I even bring my pump or pumped breast milk into a theatre with me? How uncomfortable will I be??

I will obviously feed my baby right before we leave the house (and probably pump too to make sure I’m as empty as possible). Do you think I would get too uncomfortable if I didn’t pump during the time I was gone and just hand expressed if it got too bad?

Also, I have a hilarious mental image of me hand expressing over a toilet in the bathroom at the theatre 😂