I was so worried 😳

I dated a guy about 3 years after my second was born. He was one of my closest childhood friends and we just sort of came together. Well, I still occasionally leaked milk at that time because I had nursed her for just over two years. One time when we were having sex, I leaked a bit, and he was so grossed out that it actually ended the relationship! Looking back, I’m okay with that but it still made me extremely insecure.

Now, many many years later, I’m with an amazing man and pregnant with his child. My breasts have been leaking quite a bit lately. So during sex, I was leaving my bra on or a tank top and telling him they were too sore for play (lies).

I finally had enough of the insecurities lately, I don’t know if it’s hormones or pure exhaustion that I’m just completely over worrying about everything, and I let him have at them 😂

I KNOW he noticed and he didn’t seem to care one bit 😳 he didn’t mention it at all and totally played and nibbled and sucked like he always has. I was so so worried about nothing at all! It was a surprising confidence boost because I’ve been struggling worrying he was going to hate all the changes in my body! So far, he’s embraced every one.