Update: 9/27

Ashley • Oliver: 10/6/16 💙 Baby #2: 9/30/19
On Friday 9/25 I had another follicle study on CD 2 my lining went from 8 down to 3 wow birth control works wonders and of course as most of us know here it's never just good news the "bad" news I have officially been diagnosed with PCOS as there was a massive cyst hanging around still so.... Yet another month of birth control I really hope next month coins 3rd times a charm and then Eric and I will walk away pregnant! I wasn't upset I wasn't sad I was happy to know what was going on with my body to finally have an answer and to have a team of professionals that seem to have my babies future as their #1 priority I have also started to refer to my baby as a tangible human not a wish or a desire so she will be here before I know and I will be the best mom I can be with what I have I keep telling myself this and hope it'll manifest amazing things so far it has broken the cycle of icky feelings!!! Good luck ladies xoxoxo