Extreme mom guilt

I am a new mom to 2 children (boy/girl) and I’m drowning. I have a great husband that helps as much as he can, but it never seems to be enough? I feel horrible because he feels like he does all he can but it’s never enough to help me and that’s not really the case. The problem is me. We were forced to transition our son to a toddler bed this week since he started climbing out of his crib. He’s been having panic attacks when I leave the room for him to go to sleep. It kills me. It’s been 2 days and I want to give up but I know that I can’t. It doesn’t bother my husband at all. So I feel like I’m alone in this. Our daughter is about 6 weeks and she’s beyond a handful. She nurses every hour (has since birth), she cries very loudly and very dramatically. As if I dropped her. It’s kind of stress inducing to be honest because she isn’t easily consoled. Also when I try and put her down in her bassinet in her own room, it’s like she knows I’ve left and cries instantly. If I’m in the room she will sleep. Obviously I can’t stay trapped in her room all day because I’d be neglecting my toddler. But if she is in the living room near me, my toddler wakes her up. She wakes for the slightest noise. Our life has been turned upside down since our second was born. I keep telling myself it’ll get better but I feel like it’s only getting worse. I find myself questioning why we have had kids in the first place since it’s so damn hard on us. I just feel horrible for adding an extra child into the mix when I thought I could handle it. I can’t. I want to break down. Some days I just want to run away or disappear. It seemed so much easier, but I feel like my husband and I are barely making it.