Overbearing in laws?

My mother in law tries to force it so that my 23 month old stays with her a whole week out of the month. I told my husband I don’t mind his family coming and taking her for the day or even a weekend sleep over 2-3 days but 5days-1week is too much for a toddler to be away from her mother. Every time I say that my husband starts a fight and says nasty disgusting things to me. His mother likes to instigate and feed him into that I dislike his family and don’t want them around his kid. It’s not true I just don’t feel like I should be in a custody battle with his mother. She shouldn’t take my child for a whole week out of the month. Plus me and his family don’t get along but I still respect them as a part of my child’s life and wouldn’t never keep her away from them out of spite. I’m 34 weeks pregnant with our second baby (I’m high risk) and I’m so upset. I feel like they’re always stressing me out. Am I crazy? How can I stand up to my husband about this? Last time I did he had the audacity to tell me he loves his family more than me. This was while I was pregnant (5 months ago).